There is a story in the Old Testament about Elijah the prophet and his disciple/continuation, Elisha. In 2 Kings 2:1-15, we see that Elijah was about to be raptured, so he told Elisha to stay in that place where they were because God called him to go to Gilgal. Elisha said, “As Jehovah lives and […]
we need to pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan – for the new creation!
We need to know the crystallized significance of the Body of Christ – the church in the One God and Father of All
We need to know the crystallized significance of the Body of Christ, especially that the church is in God the Father (see 1 Thes. 1:1). Also, when Paul speaks about the church in Ephesians 4, he says in verse 6, One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in […]
God ordained the plurality in eldership – not a single person leading and doing everything but plurality and leadership
This morning I was so much enlightened again regarding God’s ordination of the members in the Body. As believers in Christ, we are all simply “members of the Body” and that’s it – none of us is higher or lower, but rather we are on the same level. Just like in a family though, some […]
In this universe there is a battle for worship; we worship God and we give Him all the glory!

Some people are “frightened” when they read the book of Revelation, especially when they see that there will be a time when Satan will get all the worship – through Antichrist, when he calls himself “God” (1 Thes. 2:4). In this universe there is a great battle for worship – when the Lord was on […]
we receive a vision of Christ in glory by being revived every morning, spending adequate time with Him
The One seen by Isaiah was the King, Jehovah of Hosts – this One is the glorious Christ. Just like Isaiah, we also need to receive the vision of Christ in glory. What was amazing to me was Isaiah’s reaction to seeing this Christ in glory. Isa. 6:4-5 says: And the foundations of the threshold […]