Moses was a prophet and, as a prophet, he typifies Christ; he was saturated with God’s word, he spoke the word of God, and every word he spoke became the word of God – he is a type of Christ as the real Prophet. What is a prophet? Many Christians (and non-Christians alike) believe that […]
Being Soaked and Saturated with God’s Word to Speak for God and Speak God into People
Prophets are God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God and Speak Forth God by His Revelation

Prophets are God’s spokesmen; their function is to speak for God, speaking forth God by God’s revelation and not speaking of themselves. This week in our Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Christ – the True Prophet Typified by Moses. Five main things that we will see and enjoy is (1) what […]
We must Desire to Prophesy, to Speak for God, so that God may Speak through us

God wants us – the saved and regenerated ones – to prophesy as prophets; God wants us to be so one with Him that He speaks within us and through us according to the principle of incarnation, and we should also desire to prophesy. In Num. 11:29 we see Moses’ desire that not just him […]
The Anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can Know God and Prophesy!

The prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as the anointing ointment in the New Testament; the anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can know God and can prophesy one by one. In the Old Testament there were mainly two ways that God spoke to His people, the law […]
we need to eat the Lord’s Word and speak for God!(sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Our God is a speaking God. He is always speaking and He loves to speak. When He created the earth He did not rise up His arm and shook it… but He just spoke the word! This means that our dear God does everything through His speaking. When He created man, He made him in […]