This week in our morning revival we come to Leviticus 11 where we want to see two main items, The Significance of Eating and the Defeat of Death. More exactly, we want to see what is the significance of eating Jesus and how should we cooperate with the Lord so that He may defeat and […]
Knowing the Significance of Eating Jesus and Practicing to Eat Jesus and be Supplied
being a Christian Student on the campus – eating and drinking Christ, and staying in the Body!
As a Christian living in this current age, sometimes we might experience a failure of our spiritual life. Sometimes we might trip and fall a bit. Just remember the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Just remember that even the apostle Paul said “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected” and then the next phrase says, “But I pursue.” Yes! We can pursue! We have the right to pursue our precious Lord! Pursue Him with the saints! Let us forget the things behind, stretch forward to the things before, and pursue toward the goal together to the New Jerusalem. [continue reading this article online]
What Are You Eating? Are you eating from the tree of life? (via truthquestions)
We have heard the saying, You are what you eat, and we know it is true – if we eat properly, we will have proper health and human living. If we eat junk food / “fast food”, our health and our physical condition will not be that great. It is the same with God – […]
Keeping the Sabbath and Fasting – two precious things in the book of Isaiah – are our experience today!
There are many precious things hidden in the book of Isaiah, and two of these things are the keeping of the Sabbath and fasting. Many people don’t really want to talk about the Sabbath or fasting since these matters have been spoiled by God’s enemy, Satan. Even such precious things as the keeping of the […]
God desires to change our constitution by changing our diet – He wants us to eat Christ only!
God does not want us to “Improve” or “change our behavior”, to be “better people” – even though this will eventually be the result of us eating Him… God wants man to eat Him, enjoy Him, breathe Him in, and be constituted with Him! This is why we see that He brought the people of […]
Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Today, we just need to eat and drink and enjoy Christ

Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Lately I’ve been enjoying eating the Lord Jesus! The first thing we should do when we wake up is eat the Lord! We should call on His name and touch Him first thing in the morning. Recently I’ve been practicing this and realizing this is really what the Lord […]
we depend on what we eat and we become what we eat: let’s eat Christ!
I’m still considering the picture in the garden of Eden, which is actually what is going on within us today: we are being put in front of the two trees daily – the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil, and the tree of life. The simple fact that God cares so much about […]