God didn’t only save us from the position of death but He also seated us with Christ in the heavenlies; when we believed into Christ, we were seated with Him in the highest place in the universe, and here we can and should set our mind on the things above, the things that relate to […]
Being in Ascension with Christ and Seeking the Things related to the Ascended Christ
Being One with our Ascended Head to Exercise His Authority as the Body of Christ

What Christ as a Man has accomplished and attained in His ascension is tremendous and amazing: He was inaugurated, exalted, and enthroned by God to be Lord of all, King of kings, and Head over all things in the universe to administrate the whole universe for God and accomplish God’s New Testament economy. As believers […]
In His Ascension Christ was Made the Head of the Church and the High Priest

Christ’s accomplishments and attainments in His ascension are very high and awesome, and we will spend eternity enjoying all that He is and has done. Our achievements may be enjoyed only by us or our family or workmates, but Christ’s achievements in His resurrection and ascension are in the Spirit with our spirit for us […]
Propagating Christ On Earth By Doing a Work in Ascension, in Our Spirit!
![Propagating Christ On Earth By Doing a Work in Ascension, in Our Spirit! [in the picture: Acts 2:33]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/acts2-33-christ-exalted-poured-out-the-spirit1.jpg?fit=300%2C168&ssl=1)
Many people – both believers and unbelievers alike – have asked themselves, What is Christ doing right now? When He was on earth He was so busy and He did so much, but what about now? The Bible tells us that He is sitting at the right hand of God, enjoying all the fully accomplished […]
Being One with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry by Being in Ascension Today

We have seen that the Triune God has a unique work, and if we would work for God and with God we simply need to join in God’s unique work, and His work must be our work. Also, last week we saw that the Lord Jesus is our pattern in working for God, and His work […]
in His ascension Christ led us in a train of vanquished foes and made us gifts to the Body of Christ!
There are some window-words in the book of Isaiah through which we can see much more, with the help of the entire Bible, than what Isaiah wrote about these matters. Such words are, as we saw before, SEED, EXTENSION, and, as Isaiah 53:12 reveals, SPOIL. Here is what this verse says, Therefore I will divide to […]