The holy task of lighting the lamps in the Holy Place was the service of holy persons, the priests, those saturated with God, filled with God, and living absolutely for God; these ones express God in their daily living and minister God to others. Lighting the lamps is a holy task belonging only to the […]
Being the Holy Priests who are Possessed by God and who Live Christ to Light the Lamps
Being Saturated and Possessed by God to Light the Lamps in the Meetings of the Church

As believers in Christ, we are holy priests lighting the holy lamps in the holy place, the meetings of the church. Hallelujah, our God is light, and in Him there’s no darkness at all, and we are children of light who are daily learning to walk in the light. The nature of God’s expression – […]
As Holy Priests we Offer to God the Christ we Experienced and a Sacrifice of Praise

In the eyes of God, all believers in Christ are holy priests and royal priests; we are holy and a kingly priesthood, those who are sanctified unto God, saturated with God, filled with God, and who minister God to others. As holy priests, we offer spiritual sacrifices to God; we don’t have to offer physical […]
Holy Priests go to God for People; Royal Priests come from God to Minister God to People

Since all believers are priests to God, we need to know and realize what a priest is according to the Bible, otherwise we are not living and functioning as a priest of God. According to the entire revelation of the Bible, a priest is one who goes to God to spend time with God, be […]
Believers are Holy Priests Separated unto God and Saturated with God’s Holy Element

All believers in Christ are priests to God. According to the Bible, there are two orders of the priesthood: the holy priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Aaron) and the royal priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek). In Heb. 7 we see these two orders and how Christ is a […]
We Need to be Holy Persons Filled with God to Light the Holy Lamps in the Holy Place

One of the functions of the priests in the Old Testament was the lighting of the lamps in the Holy Place; God ordained that the light has to be on all day and throughout the night, and it was the priests’ responsibility to make sure this happens. The details of this picture are quite interesting, […]