The all-inclusive Christ is our inheritance; we have been saved, forgiven of our sins, and transferred into Christ as the realm of life and light, and we were given an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Christ – Christ is our inheritance and we’re becoming God’s inheritance! Hallelujah! The Father qualified us, the believers […]
We can Continually enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Inheritance in our Spirit
As we Labor on Christ and Eat Him, we’re Constituted with Him and become God’s Inheritance

As believers in Christ, we are constituted with what we eat; Christ is our heavenly food for our enjoyment, and as we labor on Christ as our good land, we gain Him as our enjoyment, we are constituted with Him, and we are transformed to become Christ’s treasure, His possession. Amen! This week we come […]
God is our Inheritance, we are His Inheritance, and we Know God by the Sense of Life

According to the new covenant, God is our God and we are His people (He is our inheritance and we are His inheritance), and we can know God subjectively (by living according to the sense of life in our spirit). How wonderful and rich is the new covenant! May we know the bequests of the […]
In the New Covenant God is our God and we are His People, and we Know God Inwardly

The revelation of God’s highest grace toward man is His new covenant with man; in the new covenant God promises to put His law within us, write His law into our mind that we may know God, He will be our God and we will be His people, we will not need anyone to teach […]
Jesus Christ became a covenant to us: He is the Mediator and Executor of the new covenant!
God’s heart’s desire is not for man to serve Him and be submissive to Him; God desires to give all He is to man so that man may enjoy Him and express Him! This is why God created man and put man in front of the tree of life – He wanted man to enjoy […]