In 2 Sam. 7 God promised David that his seed will be the Son of God and He will build God a house, in Rom. 1:3-4 that Christ as the seed of David according to the flesh was designated the Son of God in power in His resurrection, and in Rom. 8:28-29 the many believers […]
We’re Human Seeds in the Process of being Sonized, Deified, Designated Sons of God
We Need to Know God’s Unique Work, the Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery

In the whole universe and throughout history God has been doing only one work, to work Himself into man that He may obtain a corporate expression of Himself. There are many things that God has done, and there are many things that we as God’s people need to do, like preaching the gospel, gaining people […]
God’s move is in man today, and the flow of life out of the house of God is for God’s glory
Athanasius said concerning Christ, He was made man that we might be made God, and he also said, The Word was made flesh… that we, partaking of His Spirit, might me deified. This is how God moves on earth – God moves in man and through man, doing nothing apart from man. God moves in man to deify man, making man the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah, we are in this process of being deified as we allow God to move in us! [continue reading online]