As children of God, we believers should walk in love and light, having our daily walk constituted both with the loving substance of God and the shining element of God. The more we love the Lord in incorruptibility, the more we as children of God will walk in love and light. Love is the nature […]
We should Walk in Love and Light to Grow, be Sanctified, and be Built up in the Body
The Divine Life Flowing in the Divine Nature is our Unique Way in our Daily Life

God is life, and eternal life is God Himself. Apart from God, there is no life, and all life depends on God. However, many times we think that when someone is pious, devoted, has a good behaviour, is moral and ethical, has a gift, is powerful, knows the Bible, is full of activities and zealous […]
Partaking of and Living According to the Divine Nature, the base of Gold in the New Jerusalem

The greatest sign in the Bible and the ultimate consummation of all of God’s work throughout the ages is the New Jerusalem. We need to see a vision of the holy city, New Jerusalem, and we need to realize that it is not a physical city – it is not the so-called “heavenly mansions” of […]
Partaking of and Walking According to the Divine Nature to Richly Enter God’s Kingdom

Through regeneration we have received the divine life and the divine nature, and now day by day we are practicing to live and walk not by our old nature with its habits but by the new divine nature with all its virtues. In Eph. 2 we see that we were once children of wrath by […]
Our Unique Way: Walking According to the Divine Nature Being Supplied by God’s Life

To the seeking believers in Christ, all the aspects and characteristics of the New Jerusalem is their experience today. The throne of God is set in the center of their being, and from the throne flows a river of water of life. They eat the tree of life and are supplied with Christ as their […]
Drinking of God as the River of Water of Life for God to Fulfill His Purpose

God’s purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion, and the way He is accomplishes His purpose is by His life. First, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in God, enjoy God, partake of God, and be filled […]
A Built-Up Church has the Mingling of God and Man and the Divine Nature (nothing natural)

The more you read the Bible from the beginning to the end, having God’s economy glasses on and being open to the Lord to unveil you and speak to you concerning His purpose, the more you realize: wow, the whole Bible speaks of only one thing! God desires to get a building, a mingling with […]