The good land is the ultimate type of Christ found in the Scriptures; the land of Canaan is a type of the Christ who is all and in all and who is everything to us – the all-inclusive Christ to be our all in all. Amen! The book of Joshua – we are now in […]
The Good Land is the Ultimate Type of Christ – the All-inclusive Christ with His Riches
The Good Land Typifies the All-inclusive Christ and the Aerial Part of Satan’s Kingdom

The book of Joshua is a book with profound types, and in particular, the taking of the land signifies the church as a corporate warrior fighting the spiritual warfare for the enjoyment and experience of the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches as the good land. This week in our crystallization study of Joshua, Judges, […]
Let us pray for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would proclaim the glad tidings concerning the wonderful person of Christ and His unsearchable riches (Luke 2:10-11; Acts 5:42; Rom. 1:1-4; Eph. 3:8). Actually, you have to realize that [in Ephesians 3:8] to announce…as the gospel in Greek is just one word. This word is not the […]
Preach the Gospel to Enlighten All that they may see what the Economy of the Mystery is

We need to be enlightened to see what the economy of God is, and when we see God’s economy, we are commissioned to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is; we owe it to those around us to speak the gospel of the mystery to them so that they […]
The Recovery of the Church: the Unique Ground of Oneness and Enjoying Christ Riches

The return of the children of Israel from their captivity typifies the recovery of the church, and the aspects of the recovery of the children of Israel to their land, the rebuilding of the temple, the rebuilding of the city, and the establishing of the nation and kingdom of God – they all typify the […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land flowing with Milk and Honey

Our Christ – the preeminent and all-inclusive One – is our allotted portion, and the purpose of God’s calling is to bring us into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey. Hallelujah for our all-inclusive Christ! This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to […]
Fight the Spiritual Warfare of the Church to Posses and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

The fighting of the children of Israel against the Canaanites that they might possess and enjoy the good land portrays the invisible spiritual warfare that is taking place behind the visible scene on earth, and it typifies the spiritual warfare of the church against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies. Even before entering […]