In Leviticus chs. 1-10 God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood; Christ is the reality of the offerings with which we worship God. We love God, we enjoy His word, and we appreciate our fellowship with Him and with all the saints, but as we see […]
We’re being Trained to Worship God through Christ as the Reality of the Offerings
Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truthfulness and in the Divine Dispensing

In the Bible there’s a whole chapter that speaks of the worship of God – John 4. Here we see the Lord Jesus taking a detour through a Samaritan city, and while His disciples went into the city to get some food, the Lord talked to a sinful Samaritan woman who came in the heat […]
The True Worship of God Consists of Beholding God and of Eating and Drinking God

God wants us to worship Him, and Satan seeks to gain our worship; there is a battle in the universe for our worship, and Satan has a limited time to cheat us and trick us into worshipping him. When it comes to the worship of God, however, even the believers in Christ – God’s spiritual […]
being no longer “doing Christians” but rather “enjoying Christians”, those enjoying Christ as life!
The Lord Jesus did not come only as a King to “rule us outwardly” but He came as the bread of life for us to eat Him! God has no intention that man would “do things for Him” or work for Him – God wants man to enjoy God, eat God, and drink God! This […]
God needs us not to do great works for Him, but rather He needs us to eat Him and to drink Him
God desires that we would just enjoy Him! We see this clearly in the picture presented at both ends of the Bible: in the beginning, in Genesis, we see a man before the tree of life, and there’s a river that waters all the garden and reaches out to the whole earth! At the end […]
the new worship that the Father needs in the new age of the New Testament
I just realized this morning that in John 4:23 the Lord Jesus says “But an hour is coming, and it is now…” – this shows that there was a change of the age! In the past/our religious way, it used to be different, BUT now, the true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truthfulness! […]
the real worship of God is to eat Him and drink Him in our spirit
Recently I have been very impressed with God’s desire and seeking for worshippers – those who worship Him in spirit and in truthfulness. God wants us to worship Him, yet nowhere in the Bible we are told that we need to prostrate ourselves before Him and bow down/kneel down to worship Him. Rather, both the […]