Though we cannot see God physically with our eyes, if we are pure in heart and have an unveiled face toward the Lord, we can see Him face to face and we can even behold Him and reflect Him like a mirror, and this causes us to be transformed into the same image as the […]
Building the Church according to God’s Plan, “the Pattern Shown on the Mountain”
Being Measured, Checked, and Fashioned According to the Church, the House of God

The Lord’s greatest promise and prophecy is, I will build My church (Matt. 16:18); the church as God’s building is the center of God’s heart’s desire and the focus of His purpose. Today we are in the age of the church, and God cares only for the building up of the church. We are in […]
God’s Building is the Test of our Spirituality; Real Spirituality is for the Body

The building up of the church is the aim of God’s eternal purpose and plan; today God is doing only one thing: He is working to get a building, the church, as the mingling of God with man and the building up of the regenerated and transformed believers in Christ. When we see a vision […]
Today God needs a Remnant to Go Outside the Camp unto Christ for God’s Building

If we see that the only thing God is doing and caring for today is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we will give ourselves to cooperate with Him for His building. If the Lord is merciful to us to show us His building, we will realize that He cannot build […]
Building up the Body of Christ by Going Outside the Camp and Entering Within the Veil

The first thing we need to have in order to build up the Body of Christ is a vision of God’s building. What is in God’s heart today and the only work He is doing right now is building up His church, the Body of Christ. One could say that there are many things and works […]
The Visions in the Scriptures are Related to God’s Building, which is the Church

In relation to the church we need to have a clear vision of what the church is, we need to see what is the practice of the church, and we need to give ourselves to the Lord for the building up of the church. The church as the Body of Christ is an organic entity, […]