In order for us to build up the church as the Body of Christ, there is the need for spiritual warfare; though many do not see this, spiritual warfare is needed in every step of the building up of the church, and this warfare is based on the victory of Christ. Hallelujah, Christ has […]
Spiritual Warfare for the Building up of the Church is Based on the Victory of Christ
Having the Glory of Christ Carved into our Being and Sending our Roots into Christ

We need to have the glory of Christ carved into our being through sufferings, and we need to send our roots deep into Christ to absorb Him and grow with Him, even to manifest His resurrection life. As believers in Christ, we are in the process of being made materials for God’s building; the […]
Enjoying God in His House, being Loaded with God as good, and Praising God

The second section of Psa. 68 speaks of the enjoyment of God in His house; in His house we are loaded with God as good (the good is God Himself as our salvation and everything), He delivers us, He gives us victory, and we praise the Lord! Hallelujah! In the first section of this psalm […]
Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing: Judah, a type of Christ as the Ultimate Overcomer

Jacob prophesied with blessing concerning his sons; according to the Old Testament, the twelve sons of Jacob are arranged in four groups of three. Jacob’s speaking concerning Reuben, Simeon, and Levi was not so positive: they didn’t receive the blessing but were rather scattered and even judged because of their disposition and actions. Their history […]
spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – we fight the battle in the Body

The whole universe is in a state of warfare, and the believers in Christ are at the forefront of the battle. We need to see that this spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – it is not an individual believer that puts on the whole armor of God and fights against the enemy. Satan […]
staying in the divine romance to become the victory of the overcoming Christ

“The mighty ones” (in Joel 3:11) are produced in the divine romance – just stay with the Beloved, love Him, let Him love you, and you will be produced as a mighty one, an overcomer! Our beloved Lord Jesus is the Mighty One, and His love prevails, His love will break through in us! If […]
being in harmony with God’s will and standing in the victory of Christ

There are no “pacifists” in the military sense in God’s economy – with Satan you cannot make peace or shake hands. Satan is incorrigible, incurable, and he will never change. Spiritual warfare is necessary, and spiritual warfare is a reality because Satan’s will is SET against God’s will! God has a will (see Eph. 1), […]