In His crucifixion the victorious Christ cast out the ruler of this world, destroyed the devil, caused the rulers and authorities to be stripped off, and nullified death. Our Christ is a victorious Christ, for in every stage He went through and in every step that He took He overcame Satan and defeated the devil. […]
In His Crucifixion the Victorious Christ Judged the World and Destroyed the Devil
In His Earthly Ministry the Victorious Christ Defeated the Devil and Destroyed his Works

Praise the Lord, in His earthly ministry the victorious Christ defeated the devil and destroyed his works! Hallelujah! As we prayerfully consider the matter of the spiritual warfare of the church as the new man, this week we come to the topic, The Victorious Christ. What’s the connection between the victorious Christ and the spiritual […]
Christ’s First Coming was Humble but His Second will be Victorious (Zechariah 9-14)

In the last six chapters of Zechariah, we see many prophecies concerning the Lord’s two comings, with specific details that have been and will be fulfilled as historical events. But we need to see that the focal point and the major content of the divine history within the human history are the two comings of […]
the victorious Christ will return to recover the earth when He gains Zion, those fully open to Him!
Before the Lord Jesus can come as the King, He needs to have in all the local churches the reality of Zion – He needs to have His overcomers as His bride ready! In Psalm 51 we see how the goal of our repentance and confession marrying God’s forgiveness is that it amazingly produces a burden for the building up of Zion. The Lord needs to gain Zion, the aspect of the church that is fully open to Him, the overcomers who will hasten His return!