The tabernacle in Exodus is full of spiritual significance and implication, and today we want to see more concerning the transformed human nature and how to be firm and unshakable, standing in the Body, being willing to be balanced by others. First of all, when we look at the tabernacle we see quite a lot […]
Experiencing the Transformed Human Nature, Standing in Faith, and Being Balanced
Having the Upper Room Consecration today to be the Continuation of the Book of Acts

In order for us today to be the increase of Christ in the continuation of the book of Acts we need to have an upper room consecration for the Lord’s move, His recovery. In the book of Acts we see the propagation of the resurrected Christ in His ascension, by the Spirit, through the disciples, […]
Living a Simple Life of Faith in God – Not I but Christ – for God’s Building in Life

The Bible clearly says that Christ died for us and bore God’s judgement for us, and by believing into Him we are saved, having the eternal redemption applied to us to be brought back to God and receive His divine life. However, as believers in Christ we need to realize that in our flesh we […]
The Judging and Renewing Spirit Washes away all Negative things for God’s Building

In working to build up the church we need to take heed what materials we use; if we use wood, grass, stubble (works coming out of our natural man, our flesh, or our self) we will mar the temple of God and not build it, and this is not pleasing to God (we may even […]
13 Aspects of a Priest, a Particular Kind of Person who Serves God Continually

It is so wonderful to realize that all the genuine Christians, the believers in Christ, are priests; they are called by God and saved by Him that they may be priests to God, a royal priesthood, the church. A priest is one who receives God and is filled, saturated, and permeated with God until God […]
The Testimony of Jesus is the Bridal Army (Rev. 19) and the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21)

This week we have been tracing the eight main aspects of the church as the testimony of Jesus through the book of Revelation. We have seen that the testimony of Jesus is the golden lampstands, the great multitude, the universal bright woman with the man-child, the firstfruits and the harvest, the overcomers on the glassy […]
The Testimony of Jesus is the Bride of Christ, the Weaker Ones who Depend on the Lord

The church as the testimony of Jesus has many aspects and is composed of many kinds of people. In the book of Revelation we see at least eight aspects of the testimony of Jesus. As the golden lampstands, the church as the testimony of Jesus is divine in nature, shines in darkness, and is identical […]