The church as the Body of Christ is a pure product out of Christ, and only what comes out of Christ with His resurrection life can be His complement and counterpart, the Body of Christ. This week we come to the last part of our deeper study of the matter of Living in the Reality […]
The Church is a Pure Product out of Christ: Nothing Natural can be Added to it!
Causing Light to Ascend by the Humanity of Jesus saturated with the Spirit of Christ

It is our priestly duty as believers in Christ to light the lamps by causing the light to ascend in the church life, especially in the church meeting; this was a perpetual statute for the priests in the Old Testament and it is our duty today. On one hand, the divine light comes from God, […]
Cooperating with the Work of the Spirit to Propagate Christ for God’s Shining Testimony

The book of Acts is still being written today, for our God is always advancing and the Holy Spirit is working to propagate Christ for God to gain shining golden lampstands, the church as the Body of Christ. All throughout the Bible we see that there’s a divine history going on within the human history. […]
We need to Plant Church Trees as Golden Lampstands for God’s Corporate Expression

Our ultimate responsibility is to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands; for us to spread the church as the testimony of Jesus, we need to plant church trees as golden lampstands for God’s corporate expression. What God desires to obtain is a corporate expression of Himself; He wants to […]
The Spreading of the Lord’s Recovery is Part of our Ultimate Responsibility Today

God has an ultimate move, which is His ultimate recovery, and we have an ultimate responsibility, which is to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands; the spreading of the Lord’s recovery is part of our ultimate responsibility. First of all, our ultimate responsibility is to be saturated and permeated […]
Our Ultimate Responsibility is to Bear the Testimony of Jesus for His Expression

In the church life today we need to bear the ultimate responsibility related to God’s ultimate move on earth to first be saturated and permeated with Christ for the church as the Body of Christ, and second to bear the testimony of Jesus. God’s move today is toward Europe, and He wants to gain many […]
Enjoying Christ as our Love, Life, and Light to keep the Testimony of Jesus

In the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus there are four main points – love (loving the Lord with the first love), life (enjoying Christ as the tree of life), light (shining as the Lord’s testimony), and the lampstand (bearing the Lord’s testimony); love, life, light, and the lampstand are four crucial words in […]