According to Zechariah, Christ is the seven eyes of the stone, the seven eyes of Jehovah, for God’s building; we need to open to the Lord’s seven eyes shining on us to search us, judge us, purify us, and infuse and transfuse us with Himself to transform us for God’s building. Christ is both […]
Open to the Seven Spirits to Burn us and Infuse us to Transform us for God’s Building
Jesus is the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the Kings

Christ as the redeeming Lamb has seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, to observe and search us, to infuse and transfuse us, and to transform us; we can enjoy Christ as the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Hallelujah for our […]
The Seven Spirits and the Seven Stars enable us to be Intensely Living and Shining

To the dead and dying church in Sardis the Lord introduces Himself as He who has the seven Spirits of God (to make the church intensely living) and the seven stars (to make the church intensely shining), as per Rev. 3:1. The seven Spirits of God are not yet another Spirit but the Spirit of […]
with the Spirit the emphasis is that the Holy Spirit has been compounded to be our bountiful supply!
As we go through the crucial elements of the Bible – which are Christ, the Spirit, life, and the church – we now come to the second element, which is The Spirit. What is the emphasis when we speak about the Spirit? Many believers (and especially the unbelievers) think that the Spirit is a force, […]
the seven Spirits of God in Revelation are for God’s building, for the producing of the New Jerusalem
The last aspect of THE SPIRIT is the seven Spirits – as we see in Rev. 1:4, 4:5, and 5:6, in the book of Revelation the Spirit is “the seven Spirits of God”. This does not mean that there are seven separate Spirits today, but that the one Spirit of God has been intensified sevenfold […]
the Spirit applies to us all that God in Christ has attained, obtained, and accomplished!
These days we’re enjoying The Central Line of the Bible – the central revelation in the Holy Scriptures. Yes, we need to pay attention to every word in the Bible and say Amen!, but on the other hand we need to emphasize the central matters in the Word of God! One of the most crucial […]