The heart of the heavenly vision is the vision of Christ and the church. However, in order for us to clearly see this vision and have it wrought into us, we need to see the vision of the self, the greatest hindrance to the building up of the Body of Christ. We have seen something […]
We Need to See a Vision of the Self: the Soul-Life with its Thoughts and Opinions
Our Self is the Greatest Enemy of the Body: We Need to Deny it and Live by God’s Life

As believers in Christ we are not meant to live in an individualistic way – we are members of the Body of Christ. However, do we have the realization that we are members of the Body? Do we live in the Body of Christ? Do we depend on the Lord as the Head and on […]
Being Victorious over the Seduction of Idol Worship and Any Spiritual Blindness

In each of the first six chapters of Daniel, we see an aspect of how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan and his stratagems. In the first chapter, we see that Daniel and his companions were victorious over the demonic diet, choosing rather to eat food according to the Word of God – and […]
the Lord Jesus regards our dependence on Him and not what we can do for Him in our self
The word of the Lord Jesus in Matt. 7:21-23 is very sobering and exposing – many people do works of power in His name, cast out demons in His name, prophesied in His name, but the Lord does not recognize them or know them… We can do a lot of good and great things for the Lord – even miraculous things, with the help of the power of God – but if we do things independently of the Lord, He does not approve or recognize it. How much we need the Lord to shine on us and expose our self in all its good or bad intentions and doings, so that we may deny our self and exercise our spirit to be one with the Lord! [continue reading online]
The self opposes the Body – we need to deny the self and apply the death of Christ by the Spirit to our self!
We have previously seen that the oneness of the Body of Christ is Christ Himself as the Spirit. We need to allow the Lord Jesus to mingle Himself with us – in order that we may be lowly and meek… only the lowly and meek can keep the oneness. Actually, only “the failures” among us […]