Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would realize that the seed of Christ is sown through the gospel into human hearts and would pray for people’s hearts to become the good earth to receive the gospel seed (Matt. 13:18-23; 5:3, 8; John 4:36-37). [Matthew 13:8] says, “And others fell on the good earth […]
Let us pray for peoples’ hearts to be the good earth for the seed of Christ
The Kingdom of God is Christ as the Seed of Life Sown and Developing in the Believers

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life for this life to accomplish its purpose; the kingdom of God is Christ Himself as the seed of life sown into us and developing into a realm over which God rules as His kingdom in His divine life. The kingdom of God is not […]
Direction of the Lord’s Move is to Bring in the Kingdom of God as the Spreading of God’s Life

The direction of the Lord’s move is to build up the Body of Christ, to prepare the bride of Christ, and to bring in the kingdom of God as the spreading of the divine life for God’s eternal administration. Some may say that knowing and practicing the God-ordained way to meet and to serve may […]
Being Diligent to Develop the Virtues of the Divine Nature to Grow unto Maturity

Being brought on to maturity is a lifelong process that requires our daily cooperation with the Lord to experience the development of the divine life and the divine nature contained in the divine seed that has been sown into us so that we may have a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom of our God […]
We Grow in Life by Dealing with Our Heart so that Christ may Spread in Us

When we hear God’s word and our heart is turned to Him, something is implanted into us – Christ as life comes into us, and we exercise our spirit to receive Him. We receive Christ in our spirit, since our spirit is the organ created by God for us to contact Him and receive Him […]
students testimony – Apprehending with all the Saints in the practical church life
Though there are many things I feel that I could share about my first semester of college, I feel that throughout this year, I have been continually impressed with the Lord’s plan and His move. If you had told me a year ago what I thought about moving 3,000 miles away from my sunny Californian […]
may the gospel not stop with us, but we would be seeds of the gospel

This morning I was enjoying the verses in Hebrews 11:8-9: 8. By faith Abraham, being called, obeyed to go out unto a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. 9. By faith he dwelt as a foreigner in the land of promise as […]