For the increase of the flow of life, we need to be measured by the Lord as the man of bronze; the more we’re measured to be judged and possessed by the Lord, the more the flow of life will increase until there will be waters to swim in. Amen! Our God is a flowing […]
For the Increase of the Flow of Life we need to Allow the Lord to Measure us Daily
We need to Drink the Living Water in Resurrection to Remain in the Divine Dispensing

If we want to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we need to breathe in the Spirit, drink Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, and eat Christ as the bread of God; today we want to we can drink the living water of life in resurrection to enjoy all that God is. Hallelujah! […]
As Priests we Come Forward to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

The Lord’s heart’s desire is not only to save us from the world, from sin, and from the self; He wants all His people to be a kingdom of priests, kings and priests to God. As God’s spiritual people today we are His personal treasure, His peculiar possession, so that we may be a kingdom […]
The River of Water of Life: God Reaching Man All Over the Earth to Be His Life!

The first two chapters of Genesis are written for us to know how to experience God as our life. After God created the heavens, the earth, the plants, the animals, and man, He put man in front of the tree of life – signifying that God wants to enter into man and be man’s life. […]
everything shall live where the river flows; we need to be absolute for the Lord and His recovery
If we see the flow, if we see God’s desire, if we see the Lord’s recovery, and if we taste of the sweet church life, yet we are not absolute for the Lord and for the Lord’s recovery, there’s a danger that we would be a swamp and a marsh. “Our stand concerning the church must be absolute. If you stand in a denomination, you should stand absolutely….If you stand on the ground of the church, you must stand absolutely. You should be either cold or hot, but you should not be lukewarm” (life-study of Ezekiel). [continue reading online]
we need to enjoy our God as living water, even as the waters – come to Him to drink and flow!
God’s desire is this – that we may come to Him and drink of Him as the fountain of living waters! Even at the end of a long feast, when supposedly the people who were feasting would be full and satisfied, Christ stood out and cried in John 7:37-38, Now on the last day, the […]
everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!
God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]