Regardless of our background, if we turn to God and His people and are joined to the proper person among God’s people (in a spiritual sense), having an active faith in God, we will bring forth proper fruit and participate in the enjoyment of the birthright of Christ. This week in our crystallization study of […]
Turn to God, have an Active Faith, and be Joined to God’s People to Bring forth Christ
Let us pray for the saints to see that their visiting people is their cooperation with the sanctifying Spirit to gain people

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see that their visiting people is a preparation for the Holy Spirit to sanctify them and that they would contact people to afford the seeking Spirit a “line” to “hook” the lost sinners (1 Pet. 1:2 and note 2 – 5; 2 Thes. 2:13; Luke 15:8-10 […]
The Law of the Meal Offering: Holy Priests Eat Christ with God in the Church life

In Lev. 6:14-23 we see the law of the meal offering, which actually corresponds to the law of the Spirit of life, showing us that in the enjoyment of Christ we should not be lawless but should be regulated by the law of life. The laws of the offerings are ordinances and regulations regarding our […]
Seeing the Effect of Christ’s Crucifixion and Experiencing its Life-Releasing Aspect

The crucifixion of Christ is an amazing event and reality; the effect of Christ’s crucifixion is excellent, and the life-releasing aspect of His crucifixion is truly amazing. Human death is sad, sorrowful, terrible, dreaded, and even horrible, but the Bible speaks of the death of Christ and we emphasize His death as being something wonderful. […]
Experiencing the Redemption of Christ and the Manifestation of the Divine Nature

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the eightfold significance of the tabernacle, and today in particular we want to see and experience the redemption of Christ as our base and standing, and we want to see and experience the manifestation of the divine nature in the church life. The book of […]
we are being freely justified by faith in Jesus Christ through His redemption on the cross
We all have read the verses in Rom. 3:23-24 which say, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified frely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. In God’s economy He wants to dispense Himself into man as his life and everything so that He […]
Christ died a vicarious death on the cross, He died on our behalf; He is our Redeemer!
Praise the Lord for Christ’s all-inclusive death on the cross! Usually when someone dies, nobody talks about it and no one wants to remember it, since death is such a terrible thing… But with the Lord Jesus, His death was an all-inclusive accomplishment, and we believers treasure it and love it! To us His death […]