The kingdom is the reality of the church, and for us to be built into the church we need to come under the authority of the kingdom, exercise the keys of the kingdom, and live the kingdom life in the church life. The Lord Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom; He didn’t proclaim […]
We Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life under the Authority of the Kingdom
Seeing the Kingdom of God with its Entrance, Development and Reality in the Church

The kingdom of God in the aspect of life is Christ as the seed of life sown into us, His believers, and developing into a realm over which God can rule as His kingdom in His divine life. In the Gospels the Lord Jesus Himself had announced the gospel of the kingdom, and in the […]
God wants us to Eat, Digest, and Assimilate Him and become the Reality of His Kingdom

God wants us to eat, digest, and assimilate Him, so that He becomes the constituent of our being and we become the same as He is in life and nature. Furthermore, for us to enter into and become the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, we need to eat Christ as the all-inclusive bread, […]
In the Recovery of the Church we Build the Church as the House of God and the Kingdom of God

In the recovery of the church we are building up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God for God to gain an expression and representation on earth even as He intended from the beginning (Gen. 1:26). The books of Ezekiel and Nehemiah are considered the books of recovery, telling us […]
Direction of the Lord’s Move is to Bring in the Kingdom of God as the Spreading of God’s Life

The direction of the Lord’s move is to build up the Body of Christ, to prepare the bride of Christ, and to bring in the kingdom of God as the spreading of the divine life for God’s eternal administration. Some may say that knowing and practicing the God-ordained way to meet and to serve may […]
The Gospel Brings forth the Church, and the Kingdom is the Reality of the Church

In Exodus 18 we see a portrait of life in the kingdom of God; today, in the age of grace, when the gospel of the kingdom is preached, the kingdom of God is brought in and the church is brought forth. In the New Testament what we see first is the kingdom of God: the […]
having a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom by growing in the divine life
The Bible clearly says that if we are faithful to grow unto maturity and live the kingdom life today we will receive a reward from the Lord at His coming, but if we do not grow and develop now, we will receive a dispensational punishment. Let us look at the reward and run forward with endurance – let us live in the reality of the kingdom today by allowing the divine life to rule and reign in us! If today we live in our spirit, in the reality of the kingdom life, we will be rewarded by the Lord at His coming with a rich entrance into the manifestation of His kingdom! It is then that we will inherit the kingdom of God, who will be our reward. [continue reading this portion online]