The history of the people of Israel is a type of the New Testament believers and the church, and just as those who returned from the captivity in Babylon were faithful to God, so we as believers are becoming faithful, and trustworthy, by having God wrought into us as our faithfulness in the stewardship […]
The Faithful God is Working Himself into us to make us Faithful to God in our Stewardship
The need for the full Recovery of the Church Life with Christ as the Center and Content

God’s desire is for Christ to be the center and content of the church so that Christ would be expressed fully in the church; the history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a type of the church history until the recovery of the church life, where God can […]
In the Recovered Church we have Little Power, we Keep the Lord’s Word and not Deny His Name

Thank and praise the Lord for making us the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, which is the recovered church. The Lord is today gaining the local churches as the procedure to bring forth and bring in the Body of Christ in reality; when He has the reality of the Body of Christ […]
We need to realize that the Proper Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ

The church is life is a life of being headed up in Christ, for we all need to be delivered from the heap of collapse caused by man’s fall, and to be headed up in Christ. God’s eternal purpose is for Him to gain a corporate expression in man, so that God in Christ through […]
The Church Life is a life of being Headed up in Christ, the Unique Head of the Body

Due to the rebellion of Satan and of man, the whole universe is in a heap of collapse and in rebellion against God, but in the church life we are being headed up in Christ so that, through the church, God would have a way to head up all things in the universe in Christ. […]
Before the Lord Jesus Comes Back, He will Fully Recover the Proper Church Life

This week in our morning revival we come to a very precious and dear matter both to the Lord and to us: the recovery of the church life; He wants to recover the proper church life today! This expression, the church life, is not very common among believers today. On the day we were baptized […]
If Christ Remains Imprisoned Within us, We Cannot have the Proper Church Life

In order for us to have the proper church life as the corporate expression of Christ we need to have certain crucial experiences, the first of which is having our soul subdued and saturated with Christ. If we still live in and according to our soul, deciding things by ourselves as we always do, having […]