For us to fight the good fight of the faith, we need to lay hold on the eternal life to which we were called by being open to the divine dispensing and enjoying, living by, and having our being in the eternal life we received at our regeneration. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need […]
To Lay Hold on the Eternal Life to Which we were Called is to Fight the Good Fight
Enjoy the Grace of Life with the Saints and the All-sufficient Grace in our Sufferings

We experience the processed Triune God as the grace of life in meeting with the saints on the ground of oneness, and we can experience Him as our increasing and all-sufficient grace in the midst of trials and sufferings. Hallelujah for the grace of God, so all-sufficient, abounding, and rich! Grace in its highest […]
Grace is the Triune God Dispensed into our being and Experienced by us for our Enjoyment

Grace is not mainly something that God does for us or something He gives us; grace is the Triune God dispensed into our being and experienced by us for our enjoyment. Amen, hallelujah for grace! This week we start a new Holy Word for Morning Revival series – the one on the 2022 International […]
The Living Water we Drink becomes in us a Fountain Springing and Flowing into the New Jerusalem

The Bible clearly shows us that the Triune God has been processed to become the life-giving Spirit for us to drink of Him and enjoy Him; when we drink this living water, it springs up into eternal life and it flows us into and to become the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, […]
Today we are Enjoying the All-inclusive Spirit as the Unique Blessing of the Gospel

Hallelujah, Christ as the seed of Abraham was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may receive the all-inclusive Spirit as the blessing of the gospel promised to Abraham! Wow, praise the Lord! God didn’t just create us in His image […]
Our Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to become the Spirit

The New Testament reveals that our God has passed through a process in His economy to become the processed and consummated Triune God, which is the Spirit. God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died on the cross, resurrected, and was ascended, so that He may become an all-inclusive, life-giving, compounded Spirit who […]
We should Not have Idols – God Himself should be our Unique Goal, the One we Seek

As a conclusion to our Crystallization study of the book of Leviticus, we come to the matter of the processed Triune God, His work, and the result of His work. We saw in Lev. 25 that God wants His people to proclaim and enjoy the jubilee, for He doesn’t want them to be under slavery […]