In the church life today we need to be absolutely pure, single, and holy, without any mixture; we need people like Ezra and Nehemiah to carry out a purifying work, for in every step of the Lord’s recovery, there’s the need for purification. This week in our crystallization study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, […]
Seeing the Need for Purification to Separate the Holy Seed from Anything Babylonian
Reject Self-exaltation, Confusion, and Mixture, and Exalt God’s Word, Power, and Work

The principle of Babylon is mixing the things of man with the word of God and the things of the flesh with the things of the Spirit; we need to stay away from self-exaltation, being scattered, and confusion and mixture. In this world today – in this present evil age, may the Lord gain a […]
Overcoming the Principle of Babylon by Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering Daily

The only way for us to overcome the principle of Babylon is by daily taking Christ as our burnt offering, for He lived a life that is perfect and absolutely for God and for God’s satisfaction, and He is such a life in us to enable us to have such a living. We first need […]
God Calls His People to Come out of Babylon and Return to the Orthodoxy of the Church

In the book of Revelation the Lord calls for His people to come out of Babylon, which is the apostate church, so that they may return to the orthodoxy of the church, the normal condition of the church according to God’s original intention. Yes, God will judge and put the devil away, and the book […]
Not Denying the Lord’s Name but being Saved from Confusion, Scattering, and Mixture

As we read the Bible and realise the principle of Babylon, we need to be saved from denying the Lord’s name and from any confusion, scattering, and mixture. God hates Babylon and the principle of Babylon, for this great city is first of all the culmination of man’s endeavor to build something to make a […]
Not Living Luxuriously but Considering ourselves as a Widow, the Wife of Christ

The Lord wants to gain the church, His corporate expression, and in this age of the degradation of the church we need to see the principle of Babylon and be saved from it. The principle of Babylon is first man’s endeavour to build up something on earth to heaven by human ability, and then it […]
Seeing the Principle of Babylon and being Saved from Human Endeavor and Hypocrisy

This week in our deeper study of the recovery of the church we come the matter of the degradation of the church – the principle of Babylon and the way to overcome it. As those who have been shown mercy by the Lord to be in the Lord’s recovery today, we are not in Babylon, […]