God can do much more through our prayer than through our work and words; we need to be the overcomers of today who serve God by praying according to His heart and will. In this universe, there’s the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will; our will is not “free” – we need to willingly […]
Being and Praying for the Overcomers who are One with God to Cooperate with His Move
Our Unique Goal is to Live and Work out the New Jerusalem, the Goal of God’s Economy

What is the goal of your Christian life and work? What are you living for, and what is the ultimate goal of everything that you do? God’s unique goal in His divine economy is the New Jerusalem, and He does everything for the obtaining of this holy city. God desires to obtain a building which […]
the unique goal of our Christian work should be the New Jerusalem; God’s goal is the New Jerusalem!
What is the goal of our Christian life, and what is the goal of our Christian work? Some Christians are fervently loving the Lord and preaching the gospel with the goal of winning souls to bring people to heaven. Other people establish Bible schools, training centres, and seminaries to teach sound doctrines and theology. Other […]
the creation as a picture of our need for growth in life(sharing from the yp conference in Poland)
O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus I love you! O Lord Jesus I love You!!! I am really happy that despite my illness, I could attend the conference! It took four days – but how wonderful it was! Praise the Lord for the saints, for the mutual interceding in prayer for one another! I feel that the […]
the divine history within the human history, God’s economy and purpose
In school we are being taught about the history of our nation & the history of the continent we live in & the history of the world. We daily hear/watch news about the leaders of the countries taking certain decisions, events taking place in different parts of the world, wars, good news or bad news. […]