Hallelujah, we as the many sons of God are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ! The New Testament reveals that Christ as the only begotten Son of God became man, put on human nature, and was begotten by God in His humanity to be the Firstborn Son […]
As the many Sons of God, we’re being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son of God
Christ in His Humanity was Begotten by God to be the Firstborn Son of God in Resurrection

The Lord Jesus is the Root and the Offspring of David, and He was begotten in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, with us as the many sons of God to follow. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus Christ is a mysterious yet wonderful Person who deserves not only our […]
Amazing: the Seed of David becomes the Son of God! Let’s enjoy this Wonderful Christ!

Christ as the Seed of David became the firstborn Son of God – a human seed became a divine Son! This is amazing! Hallelujah! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to the topic of, The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God, which […]
The Only Begotten Son of God became the Firstborn Son of God in His Resurrection

In Christ’s incarnation He was begotten to be the Son of Man, the unique God-man possessing both divinity and humanity, and in His resurrection He was begotten by God to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, the firstborn among many brothers. The One whom we are propagating is not the only begotten […]
The Gospel of the Promise made to the Fathers: a Human Seed becomes the Son of God!

This week we start enjoying and prayerfully considering the matter of, Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God (2018 fall ITERO), and in particular today we want to see the gospel of the promise made to the fathers – the fact that a human seed becomes the […]
In Resurrection Christ was Designated the Son of God in His Humanity to be God’s Firstborn Son

The central thought of the book of Romans is not justification, sanctification, or even glorification, but sonship – God desires to have many sons to bring into glory, and for this Christ Himself as a man in the flesh was designated the Son of God in power in His resurrection (Rom. 1:3-4) to be the […]
seeing Christ as the Only Begotten Son becoming the Firstborn Son of God!

“Hallelujah, we are happy Christians because in the Lord’s recovery we are being brought again and again to Christ!” (brother Dick Taylor). This week we come to Hosea 11:1 and 4 – two verses for a whole week, speaking of, Three Implications concerning Christ. The first implication is in verse 1, When Israel was a […]