The genuine one accord in the church is the practice of the oneness of the Body, which is the oneness of the Spirit; we already have the oneness, we just need to keep it, spend it, apply it, and practice it so that we may be in one accord. This week in our deeper consideration […]
The Genuine one Accord in the Church is the Practice of the Oneness of the Body of Christ
Having the One Accord among God’s People Formed as an Army by Living in the Spirit

In Numbers 31 we see a beautiful picture of the one accord among God’s people who had been formed into an army ready for battle; it is a picture of the one accord we should practice in the church life today. In the church life we experience something very similar to what the children of […]
The Unique Fellowship of the Body brings All the Members of the Body into Oneness

The unique fellowship of the Body of Christ is related to the oneness of the Body of Christ, and the fellowship of the Body of Christ is the fellowship among the churches. Our God is faithful, and in Him we were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). […]
Our Oneness in the Body is the Subjective Triune God; Blending helps Keep the Oneness

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we have the oneness, and this oneness is the subjective Triune God, for He is the element, nature, essence, and substance of our oneness. What we have in the Body of Christ is not the oneness that comes from human organisation or outward conformity […]
We Maintain the Oneness of the Spirit by Loving and Bearing one Another in the Church

To maintain the oneness of the Spirit in the church life, we need to live a life in love, consider one another, and cooperate with the Lord to care in love for the saints who may be in sin, so that they may be recovered and restored. As priests to God and as part of […]
Fellowship means we are One Spirit with the Lord: we Enjoy Him and Keep the Oneness

We have been called into the fellowship of the Son of God (1 Cor. 1:9), that is, we have been called to be one spirit with the Lord and with the saints to enjoy all that Christ is and enjoy all that He is in the saints. The word fellowship is very much used among […]
Life is the Essence of Oneness: we Keep the Oneness by Life, in Life, and with Life

The ground of the church, the genuine ground of oneness, is not merely something outward, that is, the ground of locality in which we live and meet; we need to see that the ground of the church is intrinsically related to life. The Lord doesn’t want us to keep certain forms or outward practices; everything […]