Why is the holy city in Rev. 22:1 called, the New Jerusalem? Why is it not called “the eternal Jerusalem” or “the Jerusalem of God”? There is an intrinsic significance to the name of “new Jerusalem” and we need to see it and enter into its reality today. The intrinsic significance of the name “new […]
Only God is NEW; God Wrought into us Makes us NEW until We’re Becoming NEW Jerusalem
Our Unique and Ultimate Goal is the New Jerusalem, the Mingling of God and Man

The degradation of the church today is mainly due to the fact that many Christian workers – many saints burdened by God and with a certain capacity to serve God – have taken another goal than the New Jerusalem for their Christian work. But God today does only one thing: He is building up the […]
The New Jerusalem: God is building Himself into us and we’re built into Him(conference in London)
In the recent conference in London I really enjoyed the twelve points about the New Jerusalem. We need to see that the New Jerusalem is not a literal, physical, lifeless city, but it is a Person. We are becoming the New Jerusalem as the Lord prepares us to be His bride. Hallelujah, God is building […]
The Central Line in the Bible – the New Jerusalem, the mingling of God and man!
The final item on the central line of the divine revelation in the Bible is the New Jerusalem! Many people think that, according to what Revelation 21 and 22 say, the New Jerusalem is a physical city. But why would God desire to work Himself into man and mingle Himself with man, and the consummation […]