In order for us as believers in Christ to have the increase of Christ, we need to let Christ grow in us and be freed from anything that usurps the place of God; for Christ to increase in us involves the removal of any idols or things that usurp God and the adding of the element […]
Being Freed from Everything that Usurps God in us for Christ to Increase in our Being
The Growth of the Body Depends on the Growth of God within us as Members of the Body

The Body of Christ is a living organism composed of the Triune God and His believers, and as such an organic entity the Body is built up by the growth in life of all the members of the Body. The church of God as the Body of Christ is NOT an organization of human beings […]
The Desperate Need to Grow in Life Unto Maturity for the Building up of the Body

This week in our enjoyment with the Lord in the morning we come to, Growing unto Maturity to Become the New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Consummation of the Church. We have to see that our desperate need today is to grow in life unto maturity for the Body of Christ to be built up. The […]
Seeing the Great Importance of Life and the Desperate Need to Grow in Life

We need to see the importance of life and of the growth in life in our Christian life and church life. We may know the truth, we may love the Lord and read His word, and we may love the church and serve the saints in the Lord, but how much did we gain the […]