As the first step of God’s move in man in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ came to be the incarnated God; He passed through incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension, and then God took another step to come into us, the many believers in Christ, to move further in man. Many people […]
God’s move in man began in Christ and Continues in us with our Regeneration and Transformation
The Move of God in Man as seen in the Incarnation and Human Living of the Lord Jesus

In the New Testament, the move of God is in man to meet man’s need before God; this move is from the first coming of Christ to the manifestation of the New Jerusalem, and it is an unprecedented move, for God is moving not just among and with man but in man! Hallelujah! This is […]
God Regards us when we take Christ as our Burnt Offering and our Everything to Move with God

In God’s relationship with man, God regards us and is pleased with us in the burnt offering, and He promised that in the seed of Abraham (which is Christ) all the nations of the earth will be blessed. In our deeper study to dig out and enjoy the crystals in the book of Job, we […]
The purpose of God’s move in His incarnation – to bring God into man and mingle God with man!
Though we all may know that God became man in the person of Christ Jesus, do we all know what is the purpose of God’s incarnation? Why did God move out of eternity into time, and why did God come into man? This morning I had a fresh appreciation of some of the main points […]