In every age, there is the vision of that age and God’s people need to follow God and seek Him according to that vision; in this age, we have the all-inheriting vision, the completed vision of the age through the ministry of the age, and we need to serve God according to this vision and […]
We need to Serve God according to the Completed Vision of the Age and Closely Follow it
My Experience of Practicing Morning Revival and Preparing to Prophesy on Lord’s Day

The importance and benefits of morning revival are repeatedly stressed in the churches and among the saints in the Lord’s Recovery. This practice not only takes care of our personal relationship with the Lord, but also allows for the healthy teaching and solid food being assimilated at bite-size portions, regularly, and in line with the […]
Being Pure in Heart under the Skylight to Receive Light from the Lord in this Age

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from every sin (1 John 1:5, 7). How can we see God (who is light)? It is by […]
We need to See the Vision of the Age and be Joined to the Ministry of the Age

In order for us today to enter into a new revival, we need to arrive at the highest peak of the divine revelation, the vision of the age, through the ministry of the age. In every age there is only one ministry of the age with the vision of the age. There are many ministers, […]
Never Leave the Proper Persons in God’s Economy (as Lot did) but Be Joined to Them!

Living by faith – as our father Abraham did – means to live a life of the altar and the tent and to fight for the brother. We live by faith by putting everything on the altar through consecration and using only what God allows us to receive back in the tent, in a non-settled, […]
Entering Into the Highest Intimacy with God to Be In the Light and See His Mysteries

Noah found grace in the sight of Jehovah, and he was entrusted by Him to build an ark for his salvation and the salvation of his family. Everything about the ark is very significant: the dimensions, the number of stories it had, the window, the door, the materials (wood, pitch), etc. For instance, the length […]
Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets – banners, messages, and songs
The 2012 Summer Training messages were on, Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets. What a rich time, and what a high speaking from the Lord concerning His move, His economy, and His purpose! Below are the banners for this time, the titles of the messages, and a short video of the singing of the banners of […]