As believers in Christ, it is our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps, that is, pray and read the word of God, so that the churches may be shining and the lampstand would be bright. The light of the lampstand depends on the strength of our priestly service; if we exercise […]
Our Priestly Duty is to Pray and Read the Word to have God’s Speaking, His Shining
Spending Time with the Lord to Listen to His Word and be Dealt with in His Light

In order for us to minister life to others so that Christ may increase in them, we need to spend adequate time with the Lord to listen to His word and be dealt with by Him under His light. The church is a matter of life; the church is the increase of Christ, and the way […]
Being Fully Open to the Lord for Him Shine on us, Expose us, and Infuse us with Life

The golden lampstand in the tabernacle, the house of God, was a piece of furniture designed by God Himself: only God can design such a lamp which bears light and yet looks like a tree, with cups, calyxes, and almond blossoms! The type of the lampstand points to the Triune God: the Father is the […]
Having a Proper Heart and Attitude toward the Lord to have His Shining in His Word

God is light and in Him there’s no darkness at all; when we meet God and see God, we are brought into His light and any darkness is exposed and removed. Outside of God, there is no light; God is the source of light, and Satan is the origin of darkness. Unless we meet God, […]
In the Word as a Realm of Light we Become Light in the Lord with the Fruit of Light

Because of the fall of man, mankind today is in darkness, and without God shining through His living word, we would remain in darkness, in the “dark ages”. But praise the Lord for the word of God, the embodiment of God as light! As believers in Christ we are children of light: we have seen […]