If we want to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we need to breathe in the Spirit, drink Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, and eat Christ as the bread of God; today we want to we can drink the living water of life in resurrection to enjoy all that God is. Hallelujah! […]
We need to Drink the Living Water in Resurrection to Remain in the Divine Dispensing
Let’s pray for the saints to offer the worship that satisfies the Father in the Lord’s table meeting

Dear saints, let us pray that in the last part of the Lord’s table meeting the saints would exercise themselves to offer the genuine worship that satisfies the Father, the true worship that He is seeking and that is in His economy, the worship that is in spirit and with Christ as the offerings (John […]
Being Open Vessels to the Lord and Closing our Vessel toward Death and Defilement

Defilement is unavoidable, but we can learn to close our vessel toward death and defilement, and we can open our vessel toward the Lord! The redemption that Christ has accomplished on the cross is eternally effective and always available for us to apply; whenever we become unclean, we can contact the Lord by the exercise […]
although we have been positioned to drink of the Spirit, we need to be thirsty for God to drink of Him!
Many times we think that God wants some super-hard-and-complicated things from us to do for Him, and so we feel really powerless…. even to “express God in all that He is” – by and in ourselves – seems so impossible and unattainable! Yet God’s way to accomplish His purpose of having an expression on the […]
today in the church life we have a foretaste of the coming age, we’re being inwardly changed and restored!

This morning we were enjoying the verses in Isaiah 11:6-9 that refer to the condition of the creation at the time of the restoration of life – so peaceful, so normal, yet so different from what we see today: v. 6 And the wolf will dwell with the lamb; And the leopard will lie down […]
God wants us to know Him personally, subjectively, and intimately; we need to know God!
So far I have been in awe at the Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah, as we have been going through the Crystallization-study of Isaiah (1). In message two we see that Christ is the Lord Jehovah, the Eternal God and we need to have a revelation of Him so that we can know Him, […]
Only Christ can Really Quench Our Thirst and Satisfy Us Fully
The Gospel of John shows us many instances of how Jesus, as the Incarnated God-man, came to meet man’s many and varied needs. In reading through this Gospel, we see that, in the parables and events shown, Jesus met fallen man’s need. In chapter four, man “being thirsty” displays that he is seeking for something […]