the only requirement the Bible has from us is that we live in our mingled spirit

We don’t need to fight or struggle with our disposition or temper, trying to put it down whenever we feel it rises up and makes us do or say things that we shouldn’t. No, all we have to do is turn to our spirit and live in our spirit. The only way we can deny our self and we can bear the cross is by living in the spirit. “In the spirit Christ is life to me, / Strengthening and blessing all-inclusively; / Living in the spirit, holiness I prove, / And the triune God within my heart doth move” (Hymns #593, last stanza). [continue reading online a sharing inspired from today’s morning revival]

the Spirit with our spirit is the secret of participating in God’s dynamic salvation

We can be Christians for many years and only “accidentally touch our spirit”, not knowing that we have a mingled spirit and that the Lord as the Spirit is joined to our spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). We need to pray that the Lord would enlighten us to see and know our mingled spirit – the divine Spirit joined to and mingled with our human spirit – so that we may enter into the intrinsic significance of God’s dynamic salvation in Christ (Rom. 8:2; 2 Cor. 13:14; Acts. 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14). If we know our spirit, we will refuse to live, do anything or go anywhere apart not in our spirit! The Christian life is altogether a matter of living and being in our spirit! [read more online about the importance of our mingled spirit]

the Triune God is not for theological understanding but for the divine dispensing!

With our natural mind we cannot understand the Triune God; God being Triune, One yet Three, Three yet One – this blows our mind away. As someone said, To understand God you need to BE God. But everywhere in the Bible we see the Triune God! The whole Bible is saturated with the Divine Trinity! And the main aspect we see about the Triune God is that He is not for our mental comprehension or theological understanding but He is for dispensing all that He is into us! God is Triune so that God the Father in the Son through the Spirit would impart all the riches of God into man! [read more concerning the Focus of the Epistles – the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing]

our flesh profits nothing: let us turn to our mingled spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)

I really enjoyed the fact that we have the key to both “death” and “life and peace”. This key is non other than our mind. “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). The moment I got to know this, I found the answer to lot of problems in my life. Can the flesh do any good to you? No, the flesh cannot do any good for you. The Lord Jesus said “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing” (John 6:63). Hallelujah – our flesh profits NOTHING! So if the flesh profits nothing, let us set our mind on the spirit because He gives us life! [sharing by a brother who recently attended the Winter School of Truth – read more online]

God specifically chose us, sealed us, and now He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)

Doesn’t it feel good to know that you actually belong to Someone and that Someone actually cares about you very much? I have learned that when we believed in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God sealed us: this signifies that God is our owner and that we belong to Him! This can be related to: when a farmer wishes to seal his/her cattle so that the cattle then becomes the farmer’s property; therefore, an ownership is signified by the seal. Similarly, God is our owner and we belong to Him and only to Him! Because we have been sealed, we should bear the image of God and the expression of God. Praise the Lord, we want to SAY NO TO SATAN and SAY YES TO THE LORD! [continue reading this sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK]

Paul’s gospel includes the entire book of Romans, from God’s condemnation to the local churches

The gospel of God – which is the gospel of Paul as seen in the book of Romans – concerns not an outward physical Christ living among men but Christ as the Spirit living within the believers after His resurrection. This is a higher and more subjective gospel than what is presented in the Gospels. Christ is now the life-giving Spirit living in our spirit, making our spirit life! When we set our mind on the spirit, our soul becomes life (Rom. 8:6). Eventually, even our physical body will be filled and saturated with the divine life (Rom. 8:16). This is the gospel! [continue reading this portion online]

we can know the True One with our regenerated spirit and with our mind enlightened by the Spirit

It is God’s deepest desire that His people would know Him and enjoy Him. We need to pursue to know this One who is The True One. By the exercise of our regenerated spirit mingled with the Spirit of reality, our mind is enlightened that we may know God, enjoy God, and experience God. This is the eternal life – that we may know Him, the only true God, and the One He has sent [continue reading]