Praise the Lord for the inner law of life, the law of the Spirit of life, which has been installed in our inner being at the time of our regeneration, to constitute us with the element of God, regulate us from within, and cause us to know God in the way of life! Hallelujah! In […]
The Center of the New Covenant is the Inner Law of Life which Operates Spontaneously
The Inner Law of Life Imparts the Divine Life into us and makes us Functioning Members

Christ Himself is the new covenant, the new testament, of life given to us by God; according to this covenant, God writes His laws on our heart, He gives us Christ as the reality of all His riches, and the inner law of life works out in us all that God has promised and has […]
Our Heart is Deceitful and our Nature is Evil but God can write His Law of Life on us

In Jeremiah God exposes what we are in our fallen condition: our heart is deceitful above all things, even incurable, and our fallen nature is unchangeable. Just as the Cushite cannot change his skin nor the leopard his spots, so we who are accustomed to doing evil cannot simply change ourselves to do good. The […]
Switch on the Law of the Spirit of Life and be in the Lord’s Constant and Instant Word

We abide in Christ and Christ abides in us by switching on the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit by always rejoicing, unceasingly praying, and always giving thanks; also, it is by dealing with the constant word in the Scriptures and the present word as the Spirit. This whole week we saw […]
Being Open Vessels for God to do Everything in us and Through us for the Body

In order for us to live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be open vessels to the Lord; we need to open our entire being to the Lord absolutely so that the law of the Spirit of Life would operate in us and cause us to live God and […]
We Live Christ for the Body when we Walk according to the Spirit and Pray Unceasingly

The law of the Spirit of life has been installed in us; now we need to cooperate with this law to “switch on” the spontaneous and automatic power of the installed and automatic God when we walk according to the spirit and we pray unceasingly. This is the way for us to live in the […]
Pray to Live Christ for the Body by Activating the Law of the Spirit of Life in us

Since the Body of Christ is the issue of our experience of Christ, we need to pray desperately that we would live Christ for the Body of Christ to be a reality; the way we live Christ is by the operation of the inner law of the Spirit of life. When we believed into Christ, […]