This conference showed me that all God desires is only CHRIST! In Galatians 1:4, Paul showed us that the Lord gave His life for us to rescue us from the present evil age. But what is this present evil age? The present evil age refers to things that usurp, occupy, and distract us from the […]
Saved from Religion and Contact Christ in our Spirit (2023 Fall Uni Conference)
Christ Dwells in us and We Remain in Him (2023 Autumn Uni Conference)

There was much to appreciate about this year’s Autumn University Conference: meeting old friends, making new ones, campfires and hymns to the Lord, an informative Q&R session, and a lesson in humility in chess. However, my foremost enjoyment from the conference is our relationship with Christ, and more particularly Christ within us. God does not […]
We need to Deny the Soul and take Christ as our Person to Live in our Spirit

We need to deny the soul and take Christ as our person in order to live in our spirit; this is our practical experience of Christ for the building up of the church. As believers in Christ, we need to realize that our regenerated spirit is the inner man with the indwelling Christ as […]
Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ and Pray-reading for the Genuine Church life

The genuine church life is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ, especially His making His home in our heart; to have the genuine church life, we need to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ by pray reading the word of God. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of […]
Our Christian Living is Based on the Sense of the Inner Life, not on Right or Wrong

Our Christian living is based on our inner life, and we determine everything based not on right or wrong but on the divine life within us with its sense and feeling; we need to come before God to determine what is of life and what is of death. Amen! However, if we do not […]
Praying for our Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ for the Building of the Church

Like Paul in Eph. 3:16-21, we need to pray for our inner experience of the indwelling Christ for the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ; we need to cooperate with God in prayer so that the big “machine” of the Triune God would operate in us for Christ to […]
We’re able to do all Things in Christ who Empowers us to live out the Highest Virtues

We need to learn the secret of being content in all things and all environments, the secret to living Christ; this secret is Christ Himself, for we are able to do all things in Christ who empowers us. Paul testified in Phil. 4:12-13 that he knew how to be abased and how to abound, for […]