In order for us to become suitable materials for God’s building, we need to experience Christ in His death (signified by cypress), Christ in His resurrection (signified by cedar), and Christ as the Spirit (signified by olive wood), being filled with the Holy Spirit and being in spirit for God’s building. Amen! This week […]
Allow the Crucified and Resurrected Christ as the Spirit to Build Himself into us for the Church
The Spirit of Jesus is the Totality and Full Realization of the All-inclusive Jesus

The Spirit of Jesus, whom Paul experienced in Acts 16:7, implies the Lord’s humanity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension; the Spirit of Jesus is the totality and the full realization of the all-inclusive Jesus. In Acts 16:7 Luke turns from the Holy Spirit (whom the apostles experienced in His forbidding them to go somewhere […]
We Experience the Spirit of Jesus to live a Proper Human Life and Endure Sufferings

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His spreading on earth, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who passed through human living and suffering of death. Such a Spirit both supplied and led the apostles in their cooperation with the Lord for His […]
Today We may Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit

In and for the Lord’s spreading on earth we may experience and enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ as the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. We need to be clear that the propagation of the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God is NOT any movement of man, […]
The Holy Spirit Sanctifies us Dispositionally to make us as Holy as God is Holy

Whenever the Bible mentions God, Christ, and the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; these are not interchangeable terms for one person. In a similar way, whenever the Bible speaks of the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; for example, there’s no mention of the Spirit of Christ or the life-giving Spirit anywhere […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation concerning the Spirit in the Word of God

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Heb. 13:8), and He never changes; He is perfect in Himself, self-existing, and ever-existing without needing to have any improvement, change, or perfecting. However, in His relationship with man, we see that God went through certain processes. In the beginning of the Bible we see the Spirit […]
with the Spirit the emphasis is that the Holy Spirit has been compounded to be our bountiful supply!
As we go through the crucial elements of the Bible – which are Christ, the Spirit, life, and the church – we now come to the second element, which is The Spirit. What is the emphasis when we speak about the Spirit? Many believers (and especially the unbelievers) think that the Spirit is a force, […]