When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today. In the Old Testament God […]
At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ
Building up the Body of Christ by Going Outside the Camp and Entering Within the Veil

The first thing we need to have in order to build up the Body of Christ is a vision of God’s building. What is in God’s heart today and the only work He is doing right now is building up His church, the Body of Christ. One could say that there are many things and works […]
Experiencing the Universally Vast Dimensions of Christ and Caring for God’s Presence

The dimensions of the New Jerusalem apply to our living out and working out of the New Jerusalem, and today we can experience the Lord in such a way that we can become the New Jerusalem in the aspect of its dimensions. According to its measurements, the New Jerusalem is a cube – the width […]
the picture of the tabernacle shows us that God is enterable: we can enter into God!
Before Christ came, God could only dwell among men, but after the process Christ passed through, by receiving Christ and experiencing Him as all the furnishing of the tabernacle, we can enter into God! The way we enter into God is by having all our problems solved (at the bronze altar) and by being washed to become the new creation (at the laver) – these qualify us to enter into the incarnated God (signified by the tabernacle). We enter further into God by enjoying Christ as our daily supply (at the showbread table), the light of life (at the lampstand), and at the incense altar being accepted by God and having intimate fellowship with God! [continue reading online]
by the blood of Christ we are redeemed, forgiven, and we enjoy God in the Holy of Holies!
Hallelujah for the precious blood of the Lamb! This morning I was filled with appreciation for the blood of Jesus Christ – an eternal blood (since He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit), an efficacious blood, a prevailing blood, and a speaking blood! His blood speaks more than the blood of Abel (which spoke […]
college-age conference sharing – on our Christian Journey, Lord, make us willing to consecrate ourselves for God’s Building
Our Christian Life is a journey. It begins with our exodus from Egypt and our crossing of the Red Sea. But it doesn’t end there. Rather, our salvation and our baptism were only the beginning of a life long journey with the Lord. So let us not stop or wander forever in the wilderness but […]