The word of God in the Bible is God’s love letter to us; it shows us who God is, what He is, and what is His heart’s desire and economy. The word of God contains God’s essence, which is Spirit; if we come to God’s word in a proper way by contacting the Lord, we […]
The Highest Profession is to Spend time to be Infused with God to Shine Forth God
How the Priesthood and the Kingship Fulfill God’s Purpose in Creating Man

When God created man, He stated His intention and original purpose in Gen. 1:26, and it can be summarized in two words: IMAGE and DOMINION. God desires to have a corporate man that expresses Him in all that He is and He wants this man to deal with His enemy by ruling over the earth […]
Christ as the Servant of Jehovah is typified in Isaiah by king Cyrus, the people of Israel, and the prophet Isaiah
Christ is the Servant of Jehovah, and because Christ is so great and woderful, the entire Bible is full of types of Christ – people that typify Christ as the Servant of Jehovah. In the book of Isaiah especially we see that there are three particular persons who typify Christ – king Cyrus, the prophet […]
sharing from the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – drinking Christ and being in the jubilee (part 2)

This sharing is the second part of sister Rona’s summary of what she enjoyed in the recent video training on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – the last messages in the training. Two times a year we have these trainings where we get into the crystallization-study of a book in the Bible, and we have just […]