From the angle of the divine romance, the New Jerusalem is the real and consummate Shulammite – a corporate Shulammite, including all of God’s chosen and redeemed people; the New Jerusalem is the consummation of the divine-human romance in the Bible. God’s purpose, as seen in His creation of man, is to “get married” – […]
The New Jerusalem is the Real and Consummate Shulammite, a Corporate Shulammite
New Jerusalem is a Corporate God-man, the Consummation of the High Peak of Revelation

The consummation of the central vision of God’s economy and of the high peak of the divine revelation is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2, 9-11); the new Jerusalem is a corporate God-man and the consummation of the high peak of the divine revelation. The central vision of God’s economy is the experience of Christ as […]
High Peak of the Divine Revelation: God became Man to make Man God to build His Body

We are so grateful that the Lord has shown us the high peak of the divine revelation, which is that God became man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce and build up the organic Body of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s economy to […]
God’s Intention is to make His People the Reproduction of Christ for the Temple of God

It is the Lord’s mercy that today we can see the high peak of the divine revelation, which is that God became man to make man God for the building up of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God for His corporate expression. This is God’s economy, which was hidden throughout […]
God’s Economy is God becoming Man and Man Becoming God to Build up the Body of Christ

In the divine revelation in the Bible there is a progression, from Genesis to Revelation. Our God is not a static God: He is always on the move, always doing something and moving. In Psa. 68 we see a good picture of the journey of the tabernacle, from the wilderness at Mount Sinai to Mount […]
The Golden Lampstand Signifies the Triune God and the Church as God’s Expression

After seeing the significance and application of the ark of the testimony with its propitiation cover and the table of the bread of the presence, this week we are getting into the deeper significance of the golden lampstand. In our crystallization-study of Exodus we want to see not only the types and meaning of these […]
Being Discipled by the High Peak of the Divine Revelation to have a God-man Living

We don’t know exactly what are the transcendent revelations Paul spoke of in 2 Cor. 12:7, but these days we have been shown a high revelation of God’s economy, and we have clearly seen that God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. This is the highest […]