Regarding the faith as the object of our believing, we need to keep the faith, fight for the faith, speak the faith, and preach the faith, even hold to faith, for faith is the most special thing we have as Christians, believers in Christ. We need to see what faith is and we need to […]
Keep the Faith, be Established in the Faith, and Fight for the Faith
God’s Economy is in Faith: when we See God’s Economy, Faith is infused into us!

God’s economy is initiated and developed in the sphere of faith, for God’s economy is in faith; faith is a matter of seeing God’s economy and having an appreciation for Him and His economy, and faith is also that we are not but God is. Everything of God and of His economy can be […]
Our Living Faith Operates through Love – may we receive Love with Faith from God!

Our living faith operates through love. Faith avails, operating through love, for living faith is active; may there be peace to the brothers and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! Our faith and love need to be developed until the day of the Lord’s return so that we […]
Through we have Never Seen Jesus, we Love Him, Believe in Him, and Exult with Unspeakable Joy

As believers in Christ, we need to develop and perfect our faith in the Lord and our love for Him, the One whom we have not seen yet we love, into whom we believe, and to whom we’re organically joined to. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic entitled, […]
Turn to God, have an Active Faith, and be Joined to God’s People to Bring forth Christ

Regardless of our background, if we turn to God and His people and are joined to the proper person among God’s people (in a spiritual sense), having an active faith in God, we will bring forth proper fruit and participate in the enjoyment of the birthright of Christ. This week in our crystallization study of […]
We need to Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth and have the Faith of the Truth

As those who are saved by believing into Christ, we need to have a full knowledge of the truth; we need to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth, having a full acknowledgement and appreciation of the reality of all the spiritual and divine things that we have received through faith. […]
Our Christian Life is a Life of Receiving the All-inclusive Spirit through Faith

Today our Christian life as believers in Christ is a life of receiving the Spirit through faith; our spiritual blessing for eternity is to inherit the Spirit, the consummation of the processed Triune God as our inheritance. Praise the Lord! God promised Abraham two things: a seed (in whom all the nations will be blessed) […]