The Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God, but there’s much opposition to God’s kingdom; in Mark 4:35-44 we see a picture of rebellion and the kingdom of God as the power to subdue rebellion, and this can be experienced by us today. The Lord Jesus came as the kingdom of God to […]
The Kingdom of God is the Power to Subdue Rebellion and the Growth of Christ in Us
Hold the Head and Grow by having Christ Added to us for the Building up of the Body

As believers in Christ, we need to hold the Head, Christ, out of whom all the Body is richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, growing with the growth of God; we’re rooted in Christ to absorb His riches and grow in life, and our growth is the building […]
Growing up into the Head, Christ, by Holding the Head to Grow with the Growth of God

As believers in Christ, we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things, having the growth of God, the increase of God, for the growing of the Body to be the one new man. There’s a difference between growing in Christ and growing up into the Head, Christ, in all things. Many […]
The Growth of the Body Depends on the Growth of God within us as Members of the Body

The Body of Christ is a living organism composed of the Triune God and His believers, and as such an organic entity the Body is built up by the growth in life of all the members of the Body. The church of God as the Body of Christ is NOT an organization of human beings […]
The New Man is Perfected Through the Growth in Divine Life of All the Believers

Our most desperate need in God’s eyes today is to grow in life. There are millions of believers on the earth today, but where is the built-up Body of Christ? There are so many genuine Christians, but where is the one new man? Who takes Christ as their life and person? Who is paying attention […]
Holding to Truth in Love that We may Grow up Into Christ in All Things for the New Man

God’s desire is to gain a corporate man who fully expresses Him in His image and represents Him with His dominion. This man in God’s plan is a full-grown man, one who fulfills God’s purpose on the earth. For us as the many believers in Christ to arrive at a full-grown man, we need to […]
Building up the Body by Holding Christ as the Head to Receive the Growth in Life

The goal of our enjoyment of Christ, our experience of Christ, our going through the cross, and of everything in our Christian life is the growth of the Body, the building up of the Body. If the Body of Christ doesn’t grow unto maturity, the bride of Christ is not prepared, and Christ as the […]