Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see the urgent need to preach the gospel of peace, the glad tidings that Christ is our peace, our peace offering, and the Peacemaker, the One who broke down the middle wall of partition, the enmity, abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in […]
Let us pray for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings of the gospel of peace
In the Divine History we Experience God’s Organic Salvation and Preach the Gospel of Peace

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we were born again to be part of the divine history, part of the new man, to live and write the history of God in man, and we can experience God’s organic salvation and preach the gospel of peace to become the one new man in reality and […]
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Spreading the Truths of the Lord’s Recovery

Today we live in the age of the preaching of the gospel, and the spreading of the truths of the Lord’s recovery – the full and complete gospel of the kingdom – will be a preparation for the Lord’s coming back to bring the recovery and restoration both to Israel and to the entire creation. […]
We Keep the Oneness of the Spirit by Allowing the Uniting Spirit to Cross us and Bind us

Because Christ is our peace, we in the Body life need to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace by cooperating with the uniting Spirit to cross us and bind us. In this world today where everyone boasts of their differences and place much emphasize on their background, education, culture, […]
We were Reconciled in one Body to God through the Cross and have been Brought Near

On the cross in one Body both the Jews and the Gentiles were reconciled to God; we were reconciled in one Body to God, and now we are one with the Lord to preach the gospel of peace. Christ Himself is the peace offering for the Body of Christ as revealed in Ephesians 2:14. He […]
Being Aware of, Concerned, and Burdened for God’s Move in the Present World Situation

As believers in Christ who have been shown mercy by the Lord to see His move on earth, we need to be more aware of God’s sovereign arrangement of the world situation, more concerned about the crucial time in which we live, and more burdened for God’s move in the present world situation. All the […]
Having Shod your Feet with the Firm Foundation of the Gospel of Peace (Eph. 6:15)

Eph. 6:15 says, “Having shod your feet with the firm foundation of the gospel of peace.” In order for us to stand and withstand the attacks of the enemy in the spiritual warfare, we need to have a firm footing, a firm foundation. Even when Satan is defeated and we win the victory, he still […]