The Gospel of John reveals the subjective truth concerning the church, showing us the constituents of the church and the existence of the church in many pictures and types. Although the word church is not specifically used in the Gospel of John, the church is referred to in seven ways: the church is the many […]
Seeing the Subjective Truth concerning the Church unveiled in the Gospel of John
Having the Subjective Experience of Christ as Life for the Building up of the Body of Christ

The Gospel of John, which is a book on the subjective truths, reveals that we should have subjective experiences of Christ; in this Gospel, we see so many ways for us to have the subjective experience of Christ as life. This gospel is not on objective truths that have nothing to do with our daily […]
Life Meets the Need of Every Man’s Case to Build the House of God (Gospel of John)

The gospel of John is a book on life and building; God comes to is in Christ to be our life, and this life is for God’s building – for Christ as life meets the need of every man’s case to build up the house of God. This week in our deeper study of what […]
The Mending Ministry is of Life: Christ is our Life Personally and Intimately!

John the Apostle had a mending ministry of life – the way he mended the church and the situation among the believers was by presenting Christ as life to them. What we need in order to be mended by the Lord for His building is not outward correction or self-improvement but life, the divine life. […]
I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly! (sharing from the college age conference)
Praise the Lord! What a wonderful conference! I really enjoyed going through the whole Gospel of John. Even though I knew all these stories from before – since I was a girl my parents were reading them for me – I never saw things that clearly as in the last weekend. It is so wonderful […]