Most of the major truths in the Bible are recorded in a seed form in the first 5 books of the Old Testament, they develop and grow throughout the Bible, and they consummate in the book of Revelation at the end of the Bible. Matters such as the tree of life, the river of water […]
Being the Church as the Golden Lampstand in Reality by Drinking the Spirit
Seeing a Vision of the Golden Lampstand, a Type of the Triune God and the Church
In the Bible there is a very comprehensive picture which shows us that God is our life, that we are God’s living out, that God lives in us, and that for us to live is God. This picture is the golden lampstand, firstly revealed in Exodus 25, then mentioned in 1 Kings (in the temple), […]
The New Jerusalem is the Ultimate Consummation of the Lampstands in the Scriptures
The New Jerusalem is the consummation of all that God planned, accomplished, and is doing from eternity past, on the bridge of time, and unto eternity future. All the positive things in the Bible as a type of Christ consummate in the New Jerusalem. Today I was impressed with the fact that the New Jerusalem […]
the local churches as the golden lampstands bear the testimony of Jesus on the earth
If we do not see what the Lord’s recovery is intrinsically, we may be in the Lord’s recovery outwardly and in the local church meetings weekly, but we may have an empty church life. Unless we see the intrinsic significance of the Lord’s recovery we have a vain life, at best a Brethren-type of meeting… The focus of the Lord’s Recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God – in the church life, Christ is shining and God is fully expressed through all the saints! O, Lord, show us intrinsically what the focus of the Lord’s recovery is! [continue reading this portion inspired from the Morning Revival on the Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, week 1 day 4]
in the local churches God is recovering the practical building up of the church for His return
God’s ultimate intention and His heart’s desire is to gain the earth – for this He must obtain a built-up church to be the house of God(where He could dwell and be expressed fully) and the city of God(where He could rule and reign). Everywhere in the Bible and especially in the Psalms we see […]
the church today is the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit
WOW! Have you ever heard such a statement? There is actually a book by brother Witness Lee called, The Church – The Reprint of The Spirit, and this morning I enjoyed some portions from this book (as quoted in the morning revival on, The Need for a Fresh Vision of the Lord’s Recovery). How can […]