Our God is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. As the real Israel of God, God’s spiritual people today, we need to know and experience God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. The experiences Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had with […]
Further Aspects of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob
Experiencing the God of Resurrection and Having the Mending Ministry of Life

What God needs today in the church life is more ministers of life, persons who know Him as the God of resurrection and minister Him as the God of resurrection into others. We need to see the difference between merely having a “gift” and having the ministry of life. What is needed for the building […]
The God who Called us is the God of Resurrection, the Resurrecting Triune God

When God comes to call us, first we see who we are (thornbush, men of flesh under God’s curse – yet with the divine fire burning in us and not consuming us) and then we see who God is. The God who calls us is the great I am, the ever-existing and self-existing God, the […]
Seeing the Church as a Corporate Thornbush Burning with the God of Resurrection

The vision of the burning thornbush impressed Moses and stayed with him throughout his life, so that at the end of his life as he was speaking his departing words and he was blessing the children of Israel he said, ….With the choicest things of the earth, and the fullness thereof, and the favor of […]
the environment cooperates with the Spirit to put our natural man to death

If we want to minister life, we need to know God as the God of resurrection. The life that we minister to others is nothing else but the resurrection life of Christ – we need to know, experience, and gain God as the God of resurrection (John 11:25; Rom. 4:17). Day by day our outer […]