The genuine church life is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ, especially His making His home in our heart; to have the genuine church life, we need to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ by pray reading the word of God. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of […]
Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ and Pray-reading for the Genuine Church life
Enjoying and Experiencing the Riches of Christ issues in the Genuine Church Life

The issue of our being brought back to Christ Himself is the genuine church life; the genuine church life is the issue of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ so that we may become His fullness, and it is Christ realized, experienced, and expressed by the saints in a corporate way. Amen, may […]
Grow in life until we all Arrive at the Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ

We need to press on and grow in life until we all arrive at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ to be a full-grown man, matured, expressing Christ in full as His fullness. The church is the Body of Christ, the fullness of Christ; the church is not only a gathering […]
Enjoying the Riches of Christ to become the Fullness of Christ to Express Christ

The church as the Body of Christ is the fullness of Christ, His expression; Christ is great and without any limitation, and He needs a universal Body to express Him – this is the church, the fullness of Christ, for His expression. For the church to become such an entity, all the believers in Christ […]
The Body of Christ, His Continuation, is the Fullness of Christ for His Expression

Praise the Lord, the Body of Christ – His continuation and extension on earth – is the fullness of Christ for His expression on earth! The function of the Body is to express Christ, for the universally great Christ needs a Body to be His fullness, His expression, and this is what we are today, […]
The Universal Body of Christ is the Fullness of the Universal, All-inclusive Christ

This week our focus has been the first item of the direction of the Lord’s move today, which is the intrinsic building up of the organic Body of Christ; today need to be governed by a vision of the universal Body of Christ as the goal of God’s economy. What the Lord is after today […]