In our crystallization study of the book of Exodus this week we have been getting into the deeper significance of the people of Israel at Marah and Elim. After crossing the Red Sea and seeing Pharaoh and his armies buried in the sea, the people of Israel traveled through the wilderness for three days without […]
The Result of the Flowing and Growing Life is an Army Fighting for God’s Purpose
The Experience of the Cross Tests us, Exposes us, and Allows God to Heal our Being

After healing the bitter waters at Marah by showing Moses a tree which he cast into the waters, the Lord made a statute for the people of Israel and He revealed that He is their Healer. The people of Israel didn’t just encounter bitter waters but they were bitter in their being, and God was […]
Having the Experience of Marah, the Healing of the Bitter Waters, to become Overcomers

The experience of the people of Israel at Marah is very significant both in the history of Israel and in our Christian experience. After three days of traveling through the wilderness, they found no water, and they came to Marah – only to discover that the waters there are bitter. The people of Israel murmured […]
Living in Resurrection after Being Separated from the World through our Baptism

After the people of Israel had such a great exodus from Egypt, experienced Jehovah’s mighty hand to deliver them from Pharaoh and his usurpation, crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, and saw Pharaoh’s armies being swallowed by the waters of the sea, they were ecstatic, singing the song of Moses. Then, they moved […]
by His bruise we were healed – we can apply the death of Christ to our being and be healed!
One particular aspect of Christ’s all-inclusive death is that Christ died for us to be healed! “By whose bruise you were healed” (1 Pet. 2:24-25) – we have been healed by Christ’s bruise! We were dead (Eph. 2:1) but Christ’s suffering of death healed our death so that we may live in His resurrection. He […]