According to Col. 3:1-4 we as believers in Christ have the same position with Christ, and we have one life, one living, one destiny, and one glory with Christ; this all is real by means of the divine transmission in our spirit. The book of Colossians reveals the highest aspect of the church – the […]
Seeing that we have the same Position with Christ when we’re in the Mingled Spirit
The more we Grow in Life, the more we are Headed up in Christ by His Life and Light

The heading up in Christ in the church life is by life and light; first God comes into us as life to swallow any death, then the light of life shines in us to dispel the darkness, and we are headed up in Christ, being under the light as we grow in life. Wow! It […]
Turning to our Spirit and Calling on the Name of the Lord to Seek the Things Above

In order for us to seek the things which are above and set our mind on them (Col. 3:1-2) we need to be those turning to our spirit by calling on the name of the Lord, and we need to experience the dividing of the soul from the spirit (Heb. 4:12). The three parts of […]
Christ was made Head over All things to the Church: Enjoy the Divine Transmission!

As believers in Christ we need to set our mind on the things above, which include the ascended Christ and everything related to Him; in ascension Christ has been made the Head over all things to the church, and we can enjoy the divine transmission of all He is to us. According to the New […]
We can Receive and Flow out Grace by Turning to the Spirit and Enthroning the Lord

Our God is the God of all grace, Christ came in the flesh full of grace and reality, and the Spirit is the Spirit of grace; the entire Triune God is of grace, and today this grace is with our spirit (Gal. 6:18). What is grace? Grace is not merely unmerited favor that God gives […]
What we Experience when we Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Spirit

It is very important what realm we live in. These days we are all praying and looking to the Lord to save so many of these refugees from the Arab world in Europe, and there are many reports on how the Lord is moving, gaining, saving, baptizing, and bringing them into the church life so […]
Living in and Experiencing the Consummated Spirit as the Divine and Mystical Realm

By regeneration we enter into a new realm: the realm of the Spirit, the realm in which we have the Triune God processed and consummated to be the Spirit as our everything. All believers in Christ have the privilege to breathe in God as the Spirit and to be in the Spirit as the realm […]