The seven lamps of the golden lampstand are the seven Spirits before God’s throne, the seven lamps of fire burning before God’s throne, showing us that the seven lamps are related to God’s move and administration. We have seen our need to light the lamps in the Holy Place, which is related to our being […]
In the Divine Light in Church Meetings we Clearly see God’s Administration and His Move
We see the Divine Light when we are in our Spirit and in the Church, God’s Sanctuary

As believers in Christ we are priests of God, and it is our function as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, that is, walk in the light and cause the divine light to ascend as we meet with the saints. We need to realize that we are a holy people, we have […]
How the Word of God is a Realm of Light in our Experience as God’s Loving Seekers

Praise the Lord for the Bible, the word of God! Apart from the word of God in the Bible it is hard for us to know God and the things concerning God. But the word of God reveals to us, in our own language and in black and white, what and who God is, and […]
God Himself Operates in us Through His Living Word as we Walk in the Divine Light

In the experience of God’s loving seekers, the word of God is a realm of light. If we have the right attitude toward God when we come to His word, that is, if we come to the word of God as His loving seekers, we will enter into the realm of the divine light, which […]